Gender Diversity
Participation in sport is a human right. We are all born free and equal in dignity and rights. Sport provides physical, social and mental health benefits. This makes it essential that everyone has the opportunity to participate in sport, regardless of their sex or gender identity.
At Enfield Rovers FC, we support Sport Australia’s vision for our country to be the world’s most active sporting nation, known for its integrity and sporting success and world leading sports industry. Underpinning this vision is the belief that every Australian, at all stages of their life regardless of gender, sexual orientation, ability, cultural background or ethnicity should be able to participate in sport and physical activity in a welcoming way.
Research among gender diverse young people tells us that mental health and wellbeing concerns for this group are substantial. So the power of sport to heal and reconcile, and allow us to better understand each other’s differences, has never been more important. From this, our club derives the following statement:
“Enfield Rovers FC recognises and respects the diverse identities and experiences of individuals, irrespective of their gender. It is intended to promote inclusivity, respect, and understanding for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. While this statement is not legally binding, it serves as an affirmation of our commitment to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for everyone, regardless of their gender”
For more information please follow the 2 links below from our governing bodies: