Registration Opens

  • For our club, this season’s registrations open Monday January 2nd 2025.

  • Our club requires players to register online via the DRIBL platform through the Enfield Rovers portal which can be found on our online registration page.

  • Ensure you’ve read and understood all the necessary information on this page before you proceed to registration.

Season Starts

  • First kick off of this season starts on Saturday the 5th of April.


  • Uniform is not included in the registration fee.

  • We explain why our club does this on our uniform information page which you can read by clicking here.

Season Ends

  • The season is scheduled to conclude the weekend of Saturday 23rd - Sunday 24th August (subject to change based on wet weather, catch-up games and exaggerated finals series for senior teams in larger divisions.)

  • Fixtures are usually created in late March and revised after June during the season. Our club always keeps its members updated on schedule changes.

Do all age groups have semi-finals and finals at the end of the regular season?

Short answer: No.

Our club follows the guidelines set by Football NSW and Football Canterbury.

All teams from Under 6’s to Under 12’s, do not play in a competitive format.

However, from Under 8’s to Under 12’s, teams are placed in divisions based upon their ability and skill level so they can compete against other clubs that are of equal level.

Any team that is Under 13’s and above are subject to a finals series for the Top 4 placed teams.

Can  I register to play in a higher age group?

While Football Canterburys competition rules allow players to play in a higher age group.

Our club recommends that players should try to stay within their own age group.

We understand under certain circumstances players may want to play up an age group (to play with friends or family)


once you have registered for a higher age group, the player is not eligible to drop down to the below age group for the remainder of the season.

Does Enfield Rovers Football Club accept Active Kids Vouchers?


Our club is a registered Active Kids provider and you can redeem your Active Kids Sport voucher with us.

If you’re unsure how to obtain this government incentive then please click here to be taken to apply through the Services NSW website.

Once you have obtained your child’s Active Kids Voucher (AKV) number, you can then claim the $50 incentive against your child’s registration within the “Vouchers/Coupons” section on the payment section of the DRIBL registration form.

Price varies per age group. Fees for the 2025 winter season are detailed below:

Age Group

Year Born 



Under 6/7




Under 8/9




Under 10/11/12




Under 13/14/15




Under 16/17/18




Women's Intermediate League





Senior Men’s

18 yrs +

2007 & below                 



Senior Women's

18 yrs +

2007 & below


Still have questions?

Send an email to and one of our board members will respond promptly.