Insurance Cover
The FNSW Insurance program now aligns with the national insurance program to ensure adequate and sustainable benefits and continued affordability of the program.
Information regarding the FNSW Insurance program for 2025 has been distributed participants and forms part of the T&Cs in the Dribl registration process.
Personal Accident Insurance
Claimable for up to 52 weeks from date of injury
Capital benefits (death, disability, quadriplegia and paraplegia)
Non-Medicare Medical benefits – physio, ambulance, dental, chiro/osteo, private hospital accommodation, theatre fees, orthotics.
75% of non-Medicare Medical expenses
Maximum payable $2500 per claim
$90 excess (Nil if in a private health fund)
Injury assistance maximum payable $1500
Loss of income, Student benefit and Domestic Help benefit – each remain at $250pw for 52 weeks. A 21-day excess applies.
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