International Transfer Certificate
International Transfer Certificate (ITC)
What is an ITC?
An International Transfer Certificate (ITC) is a certificate provided from one national association to another to facilitate the transfer of a player between countries. This is a FIFA requirement to ensure players are not under contract or suspended and is applicable even if the player is an Australian citizen or if they have been registered in Australia previously but played abroad before returning home.
Does it apply to all players who move to Australia?
An ITC is required for any player 10 years old and older. Any player under 10 is free to register without an ITC.
Why is this required?
The FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players (FIFA Regulations) mandate that players must obtain an International Transfer Certificate (ITC) if they were previously registered with a national association different from the one they are currently registering with. Additionally, the National Registration Regulations (NRRs) of Football Federation Australia (FFA) impose several obligations regarding the necessity of a valid ITC for players before they can register and participate in football activities in Australia.
Is the process for minors and adult players the same?
No! There are different forms to fill in for 10-18 year old’s and those who are adults.
How long does it take to process?
ITCs may take up to 30 days from the date Football Australia has submitted the players request to the opposite National Association.
Where can I start the process of an ITC?
Enfield Rovers FC has made the process easy. Please click on one of the below links relative to your situation to be guided through the process.